About Victor

Victor Demko is a web master, social media consultant, meditation instructor, film artist, and the developer of The Victor Bar


Victor Demko

Mr. Demko is a web master and holistic filmmaker who has extensive meditation training and leading experience. He graduated from the American Film Institute’s Center for Advanced Film Studies where he studied with Robert Wise, Ron Howard and Sir David Puttnam. He studied and practiced meditation with Sufi Master Pir Vilayat Khan for 12 years and with the Dali Lama amongst others. He also holds a degree in Economics from the University of Western Ontario and a 4 year degree in the Inner Yoga of Sufism from The Suluk Academy, where Pir Zia Inayat Khan was the chief instructor.

Relax to Sleep: Peaceful Rest for Body, Heart & Mind

Audio Soundscape, Length 1 hour 08 minutes

Released July 9, 2013

Relax to Sleep helps you get a good night s sleep.

An effective treatment that uses the deep science of meditation, Relax to Sleep: Peaceful Rest for Body, Heart & Mind applies the advanced techniques of the ancient yogis to gently allow you to relax and to get a good night s sleep.Relax to Sleep: Peaceful Rest for Body, Heart & Mind

Relax to Sleep enables you to get into a meditative sleep state without having to practice meditation. You simply play the audio, listen, relax, and allow the gentle waves of the soundscape to wash through you, helping move the body, heart and mind toward rest and peace. With that rest and peace rejuvenating sleep becomes possible, improving sleep health and resulting in increased vitality in the morning.

Relax to Sleep helps you sleep. Play it before you retire for the night or when you lie down. Get deep peaceful rest.

Chanting Om CD by Victor

 Om Unplugged: A Step by Step Guided Meditation for Awakening & Self Realization

63 mins. 6 Tracks. Om Unplugged

Released November 2010.

Please click the link below for details and reviews.



Mr. Demko’s  film shot in the Indian Himalayas Personal Time with Swami-ji 157 mins. 2007 offers rare insights into the nature of yoga. Swami Sundaranand is the film’s chief guest.

His  film Personal Time with Devi Tide: The Practise of Healing and Awakening 120 mins, 2008, offers viewers an experiential look into the art of being a healing presence and the Sufi perspective on healing (Devi Tide is the North American Head of the Sufi Healing Order).

His film on Sandra Ingerman, an internationally recognized leader in the field of teaching Shamanism and shamanistic healing titled Listen With Your Heart: Sandra Ingerman on Shamanism, Healing & Nature 150 mins 2008 is for those who would like to have an up close personal encounter with this remarkable teacher and practitioner.  Sandra is the author of 6 books including “Soul Retrieval”Medicine for the Earth” and “How to Heal Toxic Thoughts“.

The Center for Healing Arts Film Series

DVD Film sessions feature a personalized, in-depth encounter with an adept practitioner of the healing arts. Guest practitioners are carefully selected for their experience, knowledge, spiritual and heart qualities, and for representing a particular tradition in the vast range of traditions the film series will explore. Each is recorded as if speaking to an intimate friend. The focus is on presence rather than on commercialism. Each DVD can stand alone as in independent session or film. Taken together the films form a voyage of discovery, exploring the many types of healing used across the earth.  For Victor’s Mission Statement and spiritual bio click here.

Meditation Instruction, Inner Wellness, Special Talks and Film Screenings

Victor offers both private and group meditation training and instruction and guided meditation to those wishing to find inner balance, peace and harmony. His workshops, seminars and instruction on meditation and achieving inner satisfaction, peace and happiness are available to Yoga centers, community organizations, corporate and private groups either as individual sessions, a multi part series or on a continuous basis.

The Victor Bar

The Victor Bar is a wheat free, sugar free, and preservative free meal alternative.  Made, baked and offered fresh in small hand crafted batches, The Victor Bar combines natural sweetness with lots of protein and natural goodness through a balanced and carefully selected list of ingredients and love.

Earth Vision Media

Helping you grow your bottom line with earth friendly marketing and product promotion.

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